Friday, June 09, 2006

Analogy: Joker is to Batman, as Ann Coulter is to:

This may seem like an odd association, but from the above sequence from Outsiders #3 (Judd Winick writes, Tom Raney draws) we're going to compare the Joker to Ann Coulter.

There's the obvious similarities, : that neither is as funny or as pretty as they think they are, that both think they dress well and that they're so smart, that they couldn't possibly be understood by the huddled idiot public. Wow, that's more than I had thought. Weird.

No, the main similarity is that both Ann Coulter and the Joker will do just about anything for attention, and they're desparately seeking the love and approval of someone that will never give it to them.

In Ann's case, that's the Republican Party. (Bet you thought I was gonna say "Daddy," didn't you? Well, maybe.) She seems like someone who has invested a hefty chunk of her life into becoming what she thinks the Republican party wants her to be, to say and do things to make it and by extension her look good.

But just like a little kid, Ann and the Joker try to build their own self-esteem up by tearing their enemies down. I was going to ask if you had ever heard Ann Coulter say, "The Reublican party accomplished" this or that, when she would usually instead attack, "Liberals aid terrorists," blah blah blah.

I was going to ask that, but I've never listened to her for more than five minutes, or read more from her than a piece on her in Time. She's annoying, one-track, and full of herself. Trying to have a civil debate on the issues with her would be like trying to change the color of paint by yelling at it, except it's paint that yells back. I'd feel sorry for her, but she's such a bitch. I would rather do keg stands all weekend with Joan Rivers, than say hello to Ann Coulter in passing.

Honestly, the keg thing doesn't sound half bad...anyway, the other picture wouldn't load, and the baby's all wiggly, so more later, I guess.

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