Monday, July 17, 2006

Today, Cap shows Jesus exactly how he feels about the separation of church and state:

Not fooling around today, I see. From Captain America Annual #7, "The Last Enchantment!" Written by Peter B. Gillis, pencils by Brian Postman, inks by Kim DeMulder.

Actually, that's Wundarr, the Aquarian, not Jesus that Cap's manhandling. Today. I'm not sure where I first heard him referred to as "Marvel Jesus," but I still wish I could take credit for that one. It might be from Facedown in the Gutters, but if anyone knows, speak up.


  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    I'm going to guess Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin.

  2. Anonymous4:18 AM

    That's a very tender moment they're sharing in the first panel.

  3. Was Aquarian holding the Cosmic Cube? That would explain it.

    Cap always seems to injure whoever has that thing.

  4. No... no... the "Marvel Jesus" thing goes back pretty far.
    I remember that being the essential character description when they changed him from Wundarr to "The Aquarian".

    That's an old one, predating the internet.
    I MAY have even read it in an old interview from a fanzine like Comic Reader or somesuch back in the 80's.

    Now, should I be ashamed that I find him a good character?
