Friday, September 22, 2006

How do I keep finding these?
In honor of the new Civil War, more of Tony Stark defending his secret identity, at all costs. Blue blazes, if I'm not careful, 'panels where Tony rebuts super-hero registration' could become my 'panels where Hal Jordan gets hit in the head.' Hmm. I don't want to make this my life's (blog's) mission, but I keep finding them. In maintaining the fiction 'Iron Man is my bodyguard, although we're never seen together,' Tony used to go to extremes that wouldn't have been out of place in a Golden Age DC Comic.

From "Here lies Hidden...the Unspeakable Ultimo!" Written by Stan Lee, pencilled by Adam Austin, inked by Gary Michaels. Reprinted in Marvel Super-Heroes! #29. Happy Hogun is recovering from mutating into the Freak, but he's also lying down on the clock, so Tony's giving him a friendly little slap. Recover from trauma on your own time!


  1. I guess it just goes to show...Tony has ALWAYS been a jerk.

  2. "Adam Austin's" pencils look a lot like Gene Colan's. I think he had to use a pseudonym when he first worked at Marvel ...

    Actually, the entire blogging universe could make careers of finding panels in Iron Man, Spidey and FF that contradict what's going on in Civil War!! :)
