If I heard anyone, doesn't matter if it's a pirate, ghost, pirate ghost, whatever; say from behind me that they were 'coming aboard,' I would run like all hell too.
From "The Sinister Lives of Captain Skull!," A Spectre story, story by Gardner Fox, art by Murphy Anderson. Reprinted in an Adventure Comics digest.
Short one today, since I'm still assessing the damage. My Toyfare collection took a pretty big hit, and an old box of Wizard took one for the team. I do remember cursing that Skrull Kill Krew was wrecked, but wasn't that a better idea than it was a comic, really? One of the Black Widow miniseries with Yelena, Blaze of Glory, some of my Static issues...Later I have to go back through my list and note the cover price of everything. We'll see what else was destroyed, and what I'm missing more than others.
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