Did Spider start wearing a shirt because he was old, sick, and getting cold; or because Darick was finally sick of drawing all those tattoos? Either way, this is just a page from one of my favorite series ever, and I would've bought it for another ten years if they wanted to do it.
David Byrne of the Talking Heads once said, "People will remember you better if you always wear the same clothes." Y'know, it may have been another of the Talking Heads that said it, but it works better if you associate it with Byrne's oversized suit. Like Spider Jerusalem, or 90% of comic book characters. Though, presumably most of them have multiples of the same outfit, and don't wear their suit until it hardens into a sweaty, crusty shell like Spider. Yeah, maybe I'll try the multiple route.
And, if there was a god in heaven, Patrick Stewart would be getting a sack full of cash every month for Transmetropolitan: the Animated Series. Or a movie adaptation of Red, an Ellis three-issue series that would be perfect for him. Maybe we'll take a shot at it, later, but this weekend we'll have a longer look at some of Ellis' older work.
From Transmetropolitan #48, "Running Out" Written by Warren Ellis, penciled by Darick Robertson, inks by Rodney Ramos.
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