Friday, December 15, 2006

Kylun, we're all a little tired of the Michael Winslow thing.
From Excalibur #67, "Days of Futures Yet to Come" Written and pencilled by Alan Davis, inks by Mark Farmer.

Something I've been trying to figure out for years, is what happened to Davis that made him leave this book, which was a favorite among Marvel staffers of the time. (According to a Bullpen Bulletins article just the month before this issue, June 1993.) I think it was either to do ClanDestine, or the page rates weren't paying him enough (since he was living in England?) to continue. Even worse, Davis built up an interesting team and character dynamic, which was promptly dismantled starting the next issue. Excalibur (the team and the book itself) would flounder without identity for about a year, until Warren Ellis came on.

Briefly, this issue features the best use of the Marvel UK characters ever, even if most of them are horribly killed. Or maybe because of that. It probably would've been OK too if this issue had been the last appearance of Davis' characters Cerise, Kylun, and Feron; none of which ever had a decent guest spot, supporting role, or cameo again. And now that I've said that, someone will probably point out some ancillary Civil War title that lets us know who's side Kylun is on. Even if he is British.

Out of office today after all, so have a great weekend! Maybe it's about time I consider possibly planing to start Christmas shopping...

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