Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I shouldn't encourage mob-influenced behavior, but it's so cool.
You could probably guess my Youngest's name and where he was born from this, but keep it under your hat.
Actually, I'll be using my Judge Dredd comics to educate my kids on why not to break the law, then when they're older, why a totalitarian system doesn't work. From Judge Dredd #50 (Fleetway/Quality), "On the Superslab" Written by John Wagner and Alan Grant, art by John Higgins.

Why such a seemingly random-ass post? Well...
He has my red eyes, but thankfully doesn't have my family's eyebrows. He'd look like Bert if he did...
It's my Youngest's birthday today, and he gets hosed having his birthday so close to Christmas. His mom's set up a party for him this weekend; but I still thought we'd do a little something fun for him today. So more blog later, and be sure to celebrate his birth. Celebrate it...
Good luck, Dredd: I don't think even the law can make that kid go to bed if he doesn't want to.
Art on this one from Ron Smith, on one of my favorite Dredd stories, which we'll come back to...

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