Saturday, February 16, 2008

After picking up comics yesterday, I stopped by Hastings and found Hourman--the middle one, the new version--for $3.75, which is pretty hard to resist. He was marked down from $16.99, which was probably a bit high in the first place. I hadn't gone out of my way to get him, which is not unlike how I got the other two.

While I'm not a huge fan, I have read most of the future Hourman's solo series, as you might expect, pulled from the quarterbins. The older version made a good showing in the Golden Age, Mike Parobeck's Justice Society series, and gets a death scene in New Frontier. The new, I'm not sure I have a single comic with him in that costume. I know he's the current JSA, but there's a cast of thousands there, and I'm not sure if he's front-and-center all that often. Still, good for a quick joke, anyway.

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