Wednesday, June 04, 2008

"Things I Don't Get, Real or Imagined, Part Two."
I don't have a Captain Marvel/Shazam figure in scale.  Maybe eventually, DC Universe Classics...
Short one this week, so click to enlarge, and, um, read slowly.
The last two panels are my personal expression of disbelief, that I own a Masters of the Universe Bashin' Beetle, but don't have a Legends/DCUC scaled Batmobile, Fantasticar, Mach 5, anything. That Iron Man coupe is starting to look pretty good. I had that Super Powers Batmobile out for what was supposed to be a single shot, that turned into another strip for later. I do have two other versions of the last two panels on flickr, and will put those up here later, mostly just because I had too much fun putting it together.

I thought I needed to work on the text piece for this one, but I was thinking next week's, which is another short strip with an absurdly long writeup. The topic? My least favorite action figure accessory, ever. Take a guess or name your own, and I can guaran-damn-tee nobody guesses it. Hell, some people might even want it. (Not like I'm giving it away either, but...)


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Regarding the zombie--given the amount of times Cobain himself went on stage in a dress, I think it's warranted. :D

  2. Hilarious. These questions need to be answered, goshdarnit!

  3. Captain Britain would be so much cooler if he said "Blimey" more often ... and maybe threw in a guv'nor once in a while as well!
