Friday, September 05, 2008

"Cue fight music in three, two, one..."
Of course, in about three seconds, Kirk's gonna wish he had his yellow shirt.
I slapped this together as a joke, but now I have to wonder: Captain James T. Kirk versus Green Lantern Hal "Highball" Jordan? In a fistfight, I gotta say Hal in three rounds, but I figure he'd know he'd been in a fight. And five bucks says both their shirts conveniently rip.

By the by, are pilots encouraged to give themselves callsigns after drinks? 'Cause I'd call "Gin fizz."


  1. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Nah, Kirk in two rounds.

    Once his shirt rips, he becomes unbeatable in a fight :)

    THEN he'd seduce Shulkie as well.

    Great post, thanks!

    Take it and run,

  2. James Bond could beat 'em both, and never ONCE rip his shirt. Now THAT's a super-power. ;-)

  3. Magnificent!

    I suspect that Kirk secretly rips his own shirt. I also think that Hal wins, once he realizes that She Hulk is the prize...Kirk is sucking space vacumn!

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    'Highball' is actually a reference to baseball, something Hal enjoyed with his dad.

