Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kevin Maguire should never do a 'Got Milk?' ad. EVER.

I still have a few issues of Acclaim Comics Trinity Angels, although I never did get the whole series. Sometimes, a book comes out at just the wrong time: aside from Acclaim's forthcoming collapse as a company, the series debuted in 1997, and was about three sisters who are brought together again by magic, as they are the only line of defense between humanity and some messed-up monsters, like Mad Cow there. So, it was Charmed, with more super-hero elements and more outre monsters, a good year before that series premiered.

Creator Kevin Maguire, of Justice League International and other stuff, drew the first five or so issues, before falling behind and ending up just writing and doing covers for the last seven. Interestingly, the Barbella sisters had more individualized (and slightly more revealing) the first few issues; but Maguire soon realized they were a nightmare to draw on a repeated basis. And in the first issue, they wake up in a forest and don't recognize each other, since they look different as the Angels.

Scans from Trinity Angels #9, "Fearful Reunion!" written by Kevin Maguire, pencils by Robert Walker and Jamal Igle, inks by Miehm, Adams, McKenna, and Almond; and #1, written and penciled by Maguire and inked by Dan Panosian. If you see issue #12 in a quarter box...


  1. There is something seriously wrong about the image of that cow jerking off on one of the sisters. I can't believe that made it into a somewhat mainstream comic.

    I mean, I know if it has udders, it's a female, but still...

  2. Oh, Mad Cow's a boy...whatever he is: just like that stupid Barnyard cartoon (my Youngest watches a lot of Nick) it's a guy with udders because it's a cow, and it's funny. Ish.
