Monday, January 02, 2012

It's "The End" when I say it's the end...

Whoof. We covered 29 last issues in last week's "The End" posts; and believe you me, I still have plenty of last issues for next year. In fact, I actually have one done already, since I didn't want to have two 2099 posts, so it will keep. But between those, and yesterday's Year in Toys, I thought this would be a good day to completely phone it in recap what all we do around here.

I kind of want to re-tag them, but every Wednesday we have a Homemade post, usually with whatever action figure I just bought, or making fun of current comic books. Sometimes it's a single panel, sometimes it's four pages. No telling.

Since August, every Thursday has been 80-Page Thursdays, which is kinda self-explanatory. No 100-Page Monsters, no 64 page annuals, just 80-pagers. (OK, I admit we'll probably hit a point where I'm not picky about 84 page books.) I think the majority have been DC, but we'll see more from other companies soon.

Mid-April will be the third annual Retro Toy Week, and we'll check out more of the older toys from my collection--not super old, but it's interesting to see how figures from even a few years back hold up today.

Next Monday, we'll get back to the Terminus Factor, the 1990 crossover annuals from Marvel.

The rest of the time? Comics! Old ones, new ones, good ones, bad ones. Time to read some now...