Friday, February 03, 2012
Talking to Dale the other day, this issue came up: DC Comics Presents: Mystery in Space #1, with stories from Grant Morrison and Eliot S! Maggin; art by J.H. Williams III and Jerry Ordway. This ish also featured an Alex Ross cover, and a Harlan Ellison tribute to renowned editor Julie Schwartz.
The first story is pretty good, but in eleven pages Morrison is able to tell a great Adam Strange story, that explains and refines a number of his traditional plot points; but also explains why Schwartz would choose a brainy archaeologist as an unlikely pulp sci-fi action hero. It's a nice piece of writing and perfect for a tribute book like this. Re-reading it again, I hope this version of Adam Strange (and Alanna, and Rann) make it into the new DC: instead of being gritty and pseudo-realistic, his Rann is fantastic and dangerous.
There were eight tribute issues to Schwartz, but I only recall two others off the top of my head. I'll have to look into that, but have a good weekend!
Thanks for the sorta shout out. Now that I know what to look for as far as this goes, I'll try and get it the next time I hit the comic book store. Isn't Morrison amazing?