Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Ring around the Rampage."

I'm not really keeping up on Green Lantern...which may show in these. But through clearance sales and happenstance, I've picked up several of the deputy Lanterns of DCUC series 17 on the cheap. Almost have Anti-Monitor built, which I really would not have bet on. We'll see him if and when I get him finished.

Actually, as of right about now, I have Anti-Monitor built except for the left arm. Which came with Raspberry Blue Flash, which I passed on at $7.99 some time ago, since I didn't think I would get anywhere near building this one. To further confuse the issue, I have a Stel left arm that I think would fit in Anti's shoulder, and it's close enough for my purposes...I haven't done that yet, since once I do, I don't think it would come out. Still keeping my options open, then.


  1. Oh it'll come out alright(yeah that didn't sound perverted at all:)

    I do that sort of thing all the time with my uncompleted C&C's, and it works out fine.

    Nice post, and yeah you are kinda' out of the loop, but I don't blame you. Only diehard GL fans keep up with the endless shenanigans and bullshit that Johns' constantly throws at the readers.

    I'm only interested because Black Hand's reverting back to his old evil bastard self, and we see get to see the end of the Indigo Corps.
    Other than that, I'm longing for the day Hal gets his ring back, smites/gets rid of the Guardians, and goes back to actually doing his job, and patrolling his sector. He needs to check in on his old sparring partners like Count Vertigo, Lord Sonar, Goldface, Evil Star, and Dr. Polaris again. 'Bout damn time!

    You just have a Stel arm? I have everything for him except his arms and right leg myself. Didn't think I'd get that far w/him either.

  2. You realize, that this would make for a perfectly adequate Green Lantern plotline?

  3. haven't done that yet, since once I do, I don't think it would come out. Still keeping my options open, then.

  4. We both know the reason Jordan isn't tangling with Count Vertigo is that Werner on his worst day could clobber Hal on his best.
