Monday, May 02, 2016
I'm never gonna get the full BvS story now...
I'm usually up for a prize in my cereal box, but I'm getting these a little late. Partially because I only found these Batman v. Superman comics in Honey Nut Cheerios, which I'll eat, but only somewhat grudgingly. Luckily, I found some boxes of Lucky Charms with the comics; unluckily, I've got the same comic three times!
General Mills Presents Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice #2, "Field Trip" Written by Christos Gage, art by Federico Dallochio. I was going to say this was a more Superman-centric issue, since Batman doesn't even suit up; but Affleck's Bruce Wayne appears on twice as many pages as Cavill's Superman. For a little freebie, it's fine; although I think the Justice League ones from a few years ago were better. Think I got more than a few dupes there, too.
Poor, Poor Christos Gage. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Reduced to writing free comics in cereal. How the hell do you go from writing Law and Order: SVU to this? LOL