Monday, May 02, 2016

I'm never gonna get the full BvS story now...

I'm usually up for a prize in my cereal box, but I'm getting these a little late. Partially because I only found these Batman v. Superman comics in Honey Nut Cheerios, which I'll eat, but only somewhat grudgingly. Luckily, I found some boxes of Lucky Charms with the comics; unluckily, I've got the same comic three times!

General Mills Presents Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice #2, "Field Trip" Written by Christos Gage, art by Federico Dallochio. I was going to say this was a more Superman-centric issue, since Batman doesn't even suit up; but Affleck's Bruce Wayne appears on twice as many pages as Cavill's Superman. For a little freebie, it's fine; although I think the Justice League ones from a few years ago were better. Think I got more than a few dupes there, too.

1 comment:

  1. Poor, Poor Christos Gage. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Reduced to writing free comics in cereal. How the hell do you go from writing Law and Order: SVU to this? LOL
