Friday, October 07, 2016

Yesterday, we mentioned the Micronauts' ship, the HMS Endeavor: it had a funky design that I suspect was at least partially influenced by the Millennium Falcon, and was destroyed in issue #39. Their next ship was the Bioship, a colossal version of their roboid Biotron, and super-cool; but destroyed in X-Men/Micronauts #4. Next came the Endeavor II, which was alright, a bit nondescript. When the remaining, Marvel-owned Micronauts returned, first as the Microns, then as the Enigma Force; Commander Arcturus Rann and Marionette had a new ship, the Endeavor III. It...

Not my favorite, honestly. From 2010, Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk #4, "The End: Conquest of Jarella's World" Written by Scott Reed, pencils by Miguel Munera, inks by Terry Pallot.

This was the fourth issue of the mini-series, and would lead into another I have read, Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force; so I wasn't up to speed what was happening here. There's Hiro-Kala, one of the sons of the Hulk from Planet Hulk, whose "Old Power" seems to be driving him towards disaster. Arcturus was dying of radiation poisoning (something that may have happened to him before, in New Voyages) and his judgment seemed a bit erratic to his team; which was down to Mari and a robot named Carl. The Enigma Force, the mysterious power that also created Captain Universe, seems to have a plan for Rann, Hiro-Kala, and the Microverse, that may involve changing the history of the Microverse, but instead ends up throwing Jarella's world K'ai out into the larger universe...

I want to re-read the next mini now, since it features the return of Bug and a Psyklop; but I was a little lost on this issue. Still, I liked the Alex Garner cover, and I always like seeing the characters. (Even if Mari's new outfit, while probably 100% more appropriate, is nowhere near as good as her old bathing suit look!) Besides, I'm pretty sure I got this comic for like eight cents the other day, so can hardly complain.

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