Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Yeah, I don't get the currency markets either.

I didn't really have the resources to do it, but how would Pool's proposed mutant homeland gone down? Like that ever-popular lead balloon, I imagine. Let's see...since it's not currently inhabited, Pool plants the flag in Antarctica--there may be a small smidge of unclaimed territory there. Using his cash, he's able to convince several select mutants to set up habitation, including Iceman: Pool intends to have him take care of global warming while he's at it, leading to Iceman working himself to the bone. Meanwhile, Pool is losing his mind as the nations of the world do nothing but complain: they don't want anyone settling in Antarctica, even if the mutants weren't welcome anywhere else; they don't want Pool taking the mutants they didn't want and building a super-powered army; they especially don't want Pool getting better press than them...I'd really have to think about it, since it wouldn't be a sustainable plotline.

EDIT: Ah, I mis-filled a word balloon yellow and left one of Pool's blank! Ugh, have to fix that later.


  1. It would be if that's what you wanted to do, and then you could do a West Wing thing with Pool and his advisers and shit. Hey, there's always an opportunity to re-explore this option in an alternate universe for a quick one-time gag if you wanted.

    I don't blame 'Pool either. If my face and whole body was that F'd up and i had the ample cash to fix it, damn right I would.

    Poor 'Pool.....maybe next time.

  2. Oh, maybe bit coins, maybe he should've invested it all into bit coins.

  3. Oh, the poor wee lamb!
