Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Hmm. Deadpool debuted in 1991, and Infinity Crusade was 1993, so Pool could have been there! Of course, he wasn't, but someone may remedy that someday. Looking at the crossover issues, it's odd that while mutants appeared in the main series (Rogue, Wolverine, Storm, and even Strong Guy appear on the covers) there weren't any X-title crossovers. Presumably, they had their own things going that year...Aside from a brief cameo on a viewscreen in Infinity Gauntlet, Nightcrawler and the rest of Excalibur don't appear in any of the trilogy.

The "Clowns" issue of Warlock Pool mentions is Strange Tales #181, which has been reprinted a few times. It's a legitimate classic, well worth tracking down. I probably read it sometime in the 90's in Fantasy Masterpieces #11, and maybe had half an idea what was going on.


  1. I really need to get that one, either in reprint form or not, but yeah it really is, especially after having read the whole backstory to why Starlin did that. The fact that he got away with lampooning Stan Lee and John Romita Sr like that, and Roy Thomas to an extent, shows you just how much more free-er and lax they were over at marvel in the 70's.

    If Deadpool hasn't been ret-conned into having taken part in the Infinity Trilogy at some point, preferably during the time period Deadpool 2 comes out, I'll be very disappointed.

  2. I feel so sorry for poor Amy. He's got to be feeling a bit like Cassandra right about now.
