Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Today, as is often the case for these strips, we swipe--er, pay homage--to a couple of bits from Star Trek. First, the Warlock/Magus switches are a callback to the Original Series episode "The Alternative Factor." It's not the best episode. Somewhat more fondly remembered for hardcore fans, inexplicably, are the dolphins! Even though they're never seen and rarely mentioned. Star Trek: the Next Generation Technical Manual first brought it up, describing a dolphin tank on the Enterprise-D; which was later made canon in "The Perfect Mate." (A much better episode, and the title doesn't refer to said dolphins...) Why exactly there's a dolphin tank onboard is somewhat open to interpretation: some feel there must be a logical, practical reason, and the dolphins may even be part of the crew. I just assumed the ship had everything, like a really big mall...

Also, "grimacing" probably doesn't mean what Pool thinks it does...


  1. Flipping back and forth like that, you could really drag it out and get a lotta' mileage out of that gimmick if you wan't to. You gotta' show some camera footage of him doing freaky shit though.

  2. Okay, the Grimacing bit was pure gold. Oh heck, it ALL was.
