Tuesday, September 19, 2017

They didn't exactly answer the question...

From Catwoman: Secret Files and Origins #1, "Why Holly Isn't Dead" Written by Ed Brubaker, art by Eric Shanower.

Holly and Catwoman aren't the last characters I'd expect to be breaking the fourth wall, but, well, they're up there. I don't know if I've ever seen a character complain so much about being not killed off as Holly there; although my wife would agree "If they're going to have continuity, they should at least take it seriously." The link there attempts to justify it as post-Zero Hour changes; but I'm 90% sure Brubaker just wanted to use the character and ran with it.

This wasn't a bad pickup from the dollar bin: Ed Brubaker writes most of the issue, with art by Michael Avon Oeming and Cameron Stewart as well.

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