Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Adam was originally created by the mad scientists of the Enclave, so I guessed he would take a dim view of that type, once he had all his marbles back. Also, if you give the new Adam Warlock figure the staff and cape from the old one, it really makes the old one look sad. And I think the old one's neck is a little long, so the cape sits better but he looks off without it.

I'm pretty sure usually, when the Magus or the Goddess, or Adam for that matter, are killed, it's a big cosmic explosion and doesn't leave anything as mundane as a corpse. Wait, I guess there was a body the first time Adam died. Hmm.


  1. Oh Amy... you're not fooling anyone.

  2. Huh. Well you definitely make a case for adding that older Adam Warlock cape and staff to the current one. Shit, I guess now that would be the only reason to spring for that horribly out-dated figure if you felt it was worth paying for essentially just the cape and staff.
