Wednesday, October 04, 2017

"Labor Intensive."

I had a hard time finding reference for this online, but in Howard Chaykin's American Flagg!, the handgun of choice was the .666 Magrum. I didn't read it very often, but I've had a copy of Hard Times for years: it reprints the first three issues, with some additional material.

Deadpool's homebrew pistol is completely made up; with about thirty seconds of online searching for gun buzzwords. I used to hunt, and once in a couple years will go shooting with the Wife; but I'm not a big gun guy. I'm not anti-gun, either; but I do hate the NRA...Ah, but for something good, Io9 (or somewhere) had a link a couple weeks ago to's collection of classic sci-fi Galaxy Magazine! A couple Sundays ago I spent the afternoon reading Alfred Bester's "The Stars My Destination," which I used as the namesake for this series! And to tie it all together, Howard Chaykin did an adaptation of that as well! I did like Bester's "The Demolished Man" better, but there are some other old ones I plan to check out later.


  1. Ha! Nooice! That bit with 'Pool having a limp wrist after firing off that round was good. The splatter effects were a good touch too.

    Never heard of that reference before, but a .666 magrum does kinda sound badass though.

  2. Ooh, I remember American Flag! I even have a few.

    I am so glad that Amy is more or less okay.
