Wednesday, November 22, 2017


The late Mr. Hardy's will scheme probably didn't take the Punisher shooting the place up into account, but I suppose the best plans leave a bit of room for the unexpected. In my head, Felicia is just shy of Tony Stark (on a good day) rich; except she mostly steals for the thrill, and hasn't really put any time or effort into the massive amount of money laundering she'd have to do to really start spending it. Conversely, Jessica Jones is consistently just shy of destitute, but almost always has enough change for a cheap bottle of something. That's because her friends, neighbors, etc. often arrange for her to conveniently "find" enough cash in her couch cushions, so she has just enough sauce to keep from being really mean...


  1. Nice bit at the end with the Punisher. I figured Felica had an ace up her sleeve. Poor Jessica gets screwed (?) of out an extra payday.

    Well done all the way around.

  2. Why that clever little minx!

  3. I'd never thought about how rich Felicia must be. You're probably right, though. She steals, and then she wastes it, or gives it away or something.

    There was a bit in Daniel Way's Deadpool where Osborn sent Bullseye after him, and Bullseye makes a comment that you never see him spend any of the cash from his kills, so he's probably richer than Osborn.
