Friday, June 01, 2018

Lilac City Comicon this weekend!

As usual, I have the bingo cards! But a new development: this year, my Youngest decided he wanted to go as well! Omigod, I am going to load that kid like a mule. How many comics can he carry? I'll let you know! As long as you don't let the child labor law people know...

Still can't believe I got that Conan, honestly; and the Savage Sword next to it I got as a reprint, Dark Horse's Savage Sword of Conan volume 22 for super cheap--less than the cost of two issues back in the day! I just recently moved that one from my unread pile.

I don't usually go for autographs at the shows, but Mike Grell and Ron Randall are guests this year! Most of my beloved Warlord comics are read to the point of looking chewed on, but I wouldn't mind getting something from Grell's Iron Man run signed; and if not an issue of Trekker, I need to find my set of Conqueror of the Barren Earth. We'll see what we get!


  1. Good luck Goo, and happy hunting.
    I won't tell either. Promise ;)

  2. Start the kids young, that's the ticket.
