Wednesday, October 17, 2018

"Boot up."

We all know Deathlok was originally from the far-off future of 1990, but Roxxon took the time-travelling cyborg apart, then made an all-robot 1979, Marvel Two-In-One #54. So I think the tech has existed in the main Marvel timeline for quite a while.

Man, now that we have such a nice Deathlok, I want a whole cyborg squad, like Coldblood and Siege. We discussed Coldblood earlier--the suave, Bond type of cyborgs--while poor Siege, every time he was introduced back in his Daredevil "Fall From Grace" appearances, was described as maybe being a program that thinks it's a dead guy. Which makes me imagine him as sounding like a burly, gung-ho Marine that every so often beeps or bloops out "FILE NOT FOUND." Or the dial-up modem sound. Anyway, I'm 90% sure Siege got himself blown up in a later Marvel Zombies series maybe.


  1. This is...hilarious. Oh Wade.

  2. This is. Damn those panels goo, those panels....If only we had audio...
    Damn what cocktease you are Goo, almost giving us (a) Deathlok, then cruelly walking it back in the same span of time. Sure he would've died, but he would've left a nice-looking corp-okay maybe not, but he his guest appearance alone would help boost the numbers, you know, just like in comics.

    Oh well, upward and onward as they say.

    Never cared for Coldblood the way you do and I only briefly remember Siege from his official Marvel card. Ha, Coldblood maybe the "James Bond of Cyborgs" but he never got his very own official Marvel card did he? Muhahahahahaha.
