Wednesday, October 24, 2018

"Image rehab."

Like a lot of old, white guys, Odin used to be the patriarchal, unquestionable authority figure; whose reputation has taken more than a few hits of late. He doesn't really deserve the heat on this one, though!

EDIT: Derp, I forgot, I was going to mention in real Marvel continuity, Odin really is known to the Shi'ar! He testifies in the trial of Reed Richards (for saving Galactus) in Fantastic Four #262! That and #250 I bought off the spinner rack, back in the day.


  1. That is actually a pretty cool Odin figure! But I have to agree that it wouldn't hurt him to actually stop being such a tool. Although in thisparticular instance, I would have to give him a pass.

    Oh Mephisto, you scamp!

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Goddamn that was a funny one today Goo. Even though you told me Odin was showing up, the dialogue and overall story had me rolling, especially the "Dickholery" comment. I gotta' remember that one....

    So Mephisto huh? 1). I'm jealous AF you own him (seriously I am, you know how much he costs on the second-hand market????) and 2). This most definitely IS NOT going to turn out well for anybody. Love it!

    And hey, Odin does seem to have a thing for fiery redheads as evidenced by him shacking up with the 1 Million/Billion BC incarnation of the Phoenix.
