Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Y'know, in the original "Great Game" story, what will actually happen if Lord Order or Master Chaos wins isn't really spelled out, either. I may be thinking of old Crystar issues: the crystal guys were on Order's side, the lava guys on team Chaos. Trying to get other lords of order in play, the wizard Ogeode tries to make the argument, but gets sidetracked into a discussion about how chaos is part of nature too. It doesn't go over well.

We also, um, gloss over, why Cable or the Black Knight would fight for Dormammu. (Sif and Thor, because Odin's a dick.) I don't think they're hypnotized or anything; maybe Odin's rep is worse than I figured. Or the Knight just wanted to face Kurt in battle; and Cable usually assumes Pool is going to be on the wrong side of whatever.


  1. That bit with the ricocheting knockout shot was a nice touch.
    So are we ever going to find out what happened in the 2016 tournament and did it involve the Squadron Supreme like Gladiator mentions?

  2. Oh...Deadpool's one weakness!
