Wednesday, September 22, 2021


That may be the last strip for the armored Daredevil: his ankles were tight, and I often had trouble getting him to stand. I also don't know if I intended for this plot to go on another couple of strips--the A.I.M. soldier with the Hood head could've gotten the Crimson Dynamo armor first, then handed it to his superior, the A.I.M. Scientist Supreme, who would've still been wearing his beekeeper hat. It's 50-50 wrapped for real-world concerns, slash because-I-wrote-myself-into-a-corner.

I read a bit of Jason Aaron's Avengers over the weekend, because I knew he had used Ursa Major, but I didn't know if he had become an Avenger. (Spoiler: nyet!) Too bad, since I thought it would be fun for Moon Knight to argue with a bear over who is or isn't an Avenger.



  1. Poor Marc. Man can't even get a break as he all he got for his troubles was electric burns & a "favor" from Widow but probably not the one you'd REALLY want from her. Then again, do those types of favors ever work out well for the recipient anyways?

    Funny bit there about Matt asking if Uncle Fester was an X-Men as well.
    Maybe he could be? Peepers is probably the closest-looking in regards to that.

  2. I think it would have worked out for Marc at least. Any trouble, and he could blame Jake- that cabbie really gets around. I do agree, poor Marc though- guy's practically a human punching bag at this point.

    I'm kind of intrigued about what those potential strips would have been like. Hopefully the Hood head guy would have had the headpiece from the Crimson Dynamo suit on. I imagine the Scientist Supreme would have had some nice arch dialogue and maybe Dmitri would have inadvertently helped get to whatever resolution was coming. Probably for the best that things got wrapped though- most of the major Marvel action seems to be in or around New York anyway.

  3. Dang it- I mean Alexei! I don't keep up with the Russian part of the Marvel Universe.
