Thursday, December 02, 2021

If this was a Plop! story, I'd probably be finding issues of it in every box.

Hopefully, there's nothing ominous or sinister about finding another issue of Plop! when I thought I only had one. Or maybe my whole collection is slowly turning into Plop! Could go either way. From 1975, Plop! #17, cover by Basil Wolverton.
After two issues, I worry about the hit/miss ratio for this book, since this wasn't a great one either; but it does feature one fairly good one from Steve Skeates and Frank Robbins, "Old Butterfly Story!"
They aren't wrong, on either count...


  1. Well at least he's upfront about being a hack this issue, so there's that right?
    Speaking of hacks, Goddamn if this isn't a nice reminder of how much I can't stand Frank Robbins' art. If nothing else, his style suits MAD magazine or similar publications/comics. So damn ugly.

  2. Oh geez, those 'tonsils'. Plop plop indeed!
