Wednesday, January 12, 2022

"Fight Music."

Technically I don't think Destiny is Mystique's "ex," but Kurt probably just wants to give his dad the hassle. And once again, Kurt is both way too enthusiastic about fencing, and keeping swords God knows where.


  1. Seeing as how Mystique was & still is very much in love with her, no Destiny is most definitely not an ex, but a love delayed until now.
    I still don't like the fact that Azazel is Kurt's dad is still canon. EVERYTHING from that fucking Chuck Austin run should be heavily ignored, whitewashed, & retconned away into oblivion never to be hurt or mentioned EVER again for all of eternity.

    On a positive note, what's YOUR ideal Fight Song music?
    Just off the top of my bald head, Limp Bizkit's "Give me something to break" always hypes me up, that and "Just one of those days."
    Marilyn Manson's "Fight Song", most anything by Rammstein, ESPECIALLY "Du Hast" and probably "Natural Born Killa" by Ice Cube and Dr. Dre just to name a few.

  2. I'm a traditionalist, so please rise for our national anthem:

    There's probably a couple on Faith No More's Angel Dust--which holds up so much--or Ministry:

    Ugh, getting a ton of ads on YouTube today; love seeing Tom Brady before Ministry, as I'm sure God intended...

  3. Star Trek...should've known. Good choice for the Ministry one though. Faith No More as well.
