Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Look, I've already posted all my Peacemaker comics, so...

Technically, that may be a lie; I did buy Garth Ennis's stab at it last week, along with duplicate quarter-bin copies of Peacemaker's demise in Eclipso. But today, some quarter-bin Vigilante, because who saw that coming? From 1985, Vigilante #16, "Under the Sidewalks of New York" Written by Paul Kupperberg, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Rick Magyar.
Vigilante may be about to hang it up--or so he thinks. Adrian Chase planned on giving up his alter-ego after he's sworn in as a judge, and while he's still doing a bit of leg-work searching for the Electrocutioner, he feels like he's just killing time. But when his friend Marcia is assaulted by a band of subway pirates, then it's personal again, and Vigilante is back on the case.
I hadn't read a ton of this, so was surprised at the lack of gunplay in this issue: only one of the subway pirates is killed, the one that attacked Marcia, in a crash. The rest are just beat down. I know Chase would try repeatedly to give up Vigilante, but just couldn't quit, until the end. The next issue box teases something more people have probably read: a two-parter written by Alan Moore! 

Also, I haven't seen the Peacemaker show yet, and don't really know anything about the Vigilante on it. Which is almost fitting, since I do remember him showing up on Arrow, and they somehow botched it? On that show, there was a fake-out in there somewhere, with Adrian Chase taking the role of Prometheus. Sure, why not.

1 comment:

  1. Watched all of the Peacemaker show and really enjoyed it, which I didn't think I would based off the trailers & promos.

    Because it's Gunn behind it, the whole thing's mostly played for laughs, but there are legit moments of seriousness & drama thrown in there to at least attempt to balance everything. There is character growth & progression, so I can't say there's not. John Cena plays him pretty decently so no major complaints there, other than the origin story is slightly different (ok A LOT different) but the father-hating part remains and for good reason too as you'll soon see. It's the stuff with THEIR Vigilante that made it the hardest to adjust to; he's REALLY played for laughs. Sure he's a psychopath, but more in a comical sense than as the more serious character we all know Vigilante is.
    Overall I so recommend watching it, but ONLY if you really enjoyed Gunn's version of Suicide Squad.
