Monday, September 12, 2022

Here's a Nightcrawler guest-spot that I've been waiting to blog for a bit: from 2017, Spider-Man/Deadpool #14, "Itsy Bitsy, part 4" Written by Joe Kelly, pencils by Ed McGuinness, inks by Mark Morales.
This is kind of like Kurt's appearance in Spider-Man/Black Cat: the Evil that Men Do: he's called in for a consult. Spidey and Deadpool have been on the losing end of multiple fights against a new foe, Itsy Bitsy. She's in their heads, too; since she looked way too much like the lovechild of Pool and Spidey: multiple arms, insane healing factor, all the spider-powers and then some. While her backstory is left a little vague, she thinks she's a hero like Deadpool, in the sense that anybody she murders was probably a bad guy; and thinks her "daddies" should get on board or get out of the way. (She also uses "daddies" in, ahem, multiple meanings; further confusing Pool!) Since every time they fail, more people die; the guilt is starting to really gnaw on Spidey; who is considering they might have to fight fire with fire, and kill Itsy to stop her.
Nightcrawler is called in for a training/strategy session; but also for a somewhat confessional ear. And I love that Kurt is willing to just throw himself in there, against them both: he's pushing himself, along with them, advising if their old moves weren't doing it, they had other skills, and heart. But the latter sets Spidey off, and he escalates the fight: Kurt asks if he doesn't intend to capture Itsy, and Spidey takes a swipe at him with a sword, which prompts Deadpool to needle him, "killer." (Pool had a handsome face at the time, possibly the result of not killing and being a hero improving his self-image! I also cut it off in the scan, but he also implores Kurt "do not Dolph my Lundgren, bro!") As the (chattier-than-usual) Bamfs cheer the fight on, Spidey and Pool fight with words and swords: Pool argues, "Finding the right way is what you do!" But he also mentions "neck snap," which further triggers Spidey: he later mentions to Kurt, Pool didn't know about Gwen, but it didn't matter. (Spidey backpedals and calls Gwen "a confession for another time," he wouldn't talk about her even with Kurt.)
Spidey stabs Pool pretty good, but not a killshot. Kurt moves to step in, but Pool warns him off with a shot: he didn't think Spidey had the "maracas" to kill him. Spidey responds by lopping off his head! As the Bamfs re-attach it, Spidey and Kurt continue their conversation: Kurt tells Spider-Man that he is an inspiration, and doesn't want to picture the world without the hope he gave. Spidey says he's living that world now. Meanwhile, momentarily in hell, Deadpool has another in a series of not-great visits with his wife, Shiklah; before getting to see Patient Zero, who had a mad-on for Deadpool but came to him to stop Itsy, before she killed him. "Patient Zero" turns out to be Pool's old friend, Weasel! He felt Pool had somehow tricked the world into thinking he was a hero and deserved good things, when Weasel would argue he very much didn't. But Weasel had also been dead before, how did he get back alive? Someone who wanted to break Spider-Man sent him back: they don't say here, but you can probably guess!
Pool wakes back up, trying to remember what he learned in Hell; Kurt is there but Spidey is "lost." Metaphorically, although he left a note in webbing: "Do not follow." With swords and guns strapped to him, Spidey was gunning for Itsy; and Kurt warns if Pool can't stop him, Spidey's soul could be lost...

Aside from this issue, I had to get the trade for this one, since it wasn't continued until SM/DP #17! Which was also "part 4," the numbering would be off for the next two chapters. I kind of wish Nightcrawler had got to help out the rest of the fight against Itsy; but Spidey and Pool absolutely had to finish that one out.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of how Spider-Man, Peter specifically, could've been a much more darker, serious character had he not developed his sense of humor & light-hearted quips. Ditko's Spidey could've definitely going into darker territory, instead of being the wise-cracking Friendly neighborhood we all know and love. Very curious to see how what that version would've looked like. Probably not as popular as our version is that's for sure.

    I will say though, Spidey & Kurt definitely need to team up more often than they do. They seem like a much more natural pairing than Peter and Wade do, but that's just me.
