Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Kurt appears on the cover, but pretty briefly inside the most recent issue of She-Hulk. I saw the new, Disney+ Legend the other day, but this is the last comic ML, wearing the outfit from the one before that! I got her as part of a load of mostly parts, but it's not a bad figure--I've never had a figure of her in the Fantastic Four outfit, though.   And while I'll be badmouthing them in-story, the Sentinel heads are from the 'Marvel Legends Retro Collection 3.75" Scale Sentinel'. It's neat!

In actual comics, Nightcrawler leads today's Immortal X-Men, and the newest issue of Legion of X, and then, hoo boy, I suggest savoring those for a while. The previews after that look dire, like where fun falls into a pit repeatedly like the E.T. videogame: something called "Sins of Sinister," where Kurt gets a new look swiped from Hellboy, and "Fall of X" probably right after that. I'm skittish because while normally that sort of thing would be like Spider-Man having extra arms or Wolverine losing his nose; I'm worried it'll get bogged in the crossovers and he'll be stuck with it for longer.  

Oh, and part of this, and maybe the next couple strips, are based on 3D printed guns. "Guns" should probably be in quotation marks there, since I think they all still need like a metal nail or something in them, to fire. I think there are certain pieces you could make with a 3D printer to use in a gun, but you need to have the gun; and I'm don't think any major crimes have been committed with a (completely) 3D printed gun since they're still fiddly and crappy. This link notes arrests for 3D printed guns tripled in less than two years...but they still aren't even into triple-digits. There's a picture there of an allegedly printed gun, and I really, really doubt it was entirely printed. A piece here or there, maybe. The worry is, maybe you could print the parts to convert a weapon to fully automatic; but how much would you trust a part some nerd cranked out of a printer? Feel like while hobbyists might enjoy dicking around with it, reliability would have to be an issue. Of course, technology does continue to improve, I suppose.  


  1. Ooooh She-Hulk! Timely. Looking very forward to seeing how her final episode of the season turns out. I know that show's been HEAVILY scrutinized for a bit now, and that's just going to happen, you either like it or you don't. I & Heather enjoy it a lot ourselves, so here's hoping we get 2nd season.

    Wait, so how exactly is Kurt able to fund that sizable of a retainer? I guess Jen's firm accepts Kratoan money then right? Has to. Does that also mean Prof. X and every other mutant that had regular human money converted it all to Mutant money? Wonder what the going exchange rate is for Mutant money these days.

    I can definitely see a bunch of mutant haters creating homebrewed Sentinels using 3D printers since technically it'd probably be the most cheapest option available.

    Oh god, yeah I didn't even think of that, people making guns using 3D printers. I know there's currently a problem with these "Ghost Guns" made of various plastics and other materials, so it makes sense 3D printers would be used in making these.
    Liability? oh god yes! In which case hopefully soon (as sad as it'll be as a commentary on the human race) laws enacted to cover the legality of all this.

    Kurt looking like Hellboy? WHY!? I get his look stayed the same for a relatively long time until '96 when they gave him the soccer/footballer haircut & toga look, then slightly modified his look after that, but Kurt doesn't strike as someone who would drastically alter his look, branding conscious or not. Definitely see him growing out facial hair like a beard or goatee, but that's about it.

  2. Ok, I seriously was not seeing that Disney Princesses bag coming, though I suppose it makes sense- Disney's probably going for X-Men next, if they haven't already gotten them. Do they own them at this point? I can't keep track of what pieces of Marvel are still floating around out there.

    Call me crazy but I don't think it's the Marvel equivalent of GOBs making those knock-off Sentinels. This seems like one of those 'idiot teens blowing their fingers off with homemade fireworks' things, probably because they thought it'd be awesome. I don't know if it counts as a 2nd Amendment case but there's clearly copyright infringement there.

    You'd think that Jen would have found a Big and Tall suit for Hulking out in by now, or at least cashed in some favors for Pym Particles.

  3. @H: Makes you wonder how Reed hasn't already mass-marketed unstable moleculed clothing. Might go to a bads end and head into sweatshop territory, but still, I imagine there's money to be made in that particular market.

    Dead on with that "Idiot teens blowing their fingers off" analogy. Just like self-driving cars, I imagine those homebrewed Sentinels would NOT turn out too well for all involved depending on the IQ level and degrees of technological knowledge.

    Ok, so short answers, yes they own them, but certain actors aren't going to be included due to the nature of the contracts they signed with Fox. Disney's not going to want to pay them to use them, so they'll just let the clock run out instead. That's how I see it, although Prof. X, Deadpool and now Logan were lone exceptions.

  4. I have this vague memory that Waid did something with Johnny being put in charge of the business side of the FF and trying to mass produce unstable molecule clothing, and there was some sort of issue there in terms of viability. I would think it would be expense to mass-produce and that would be the issue, but I don't think that was the problem. I might not even be right about that story existing, though.

    Given the number of people in the Marvel Universe who seem to cook up battle suits or interdimensional portal generators in their garages, people building knockoff Sentinels is the least of everyone's worries. Only a matter of time until someone stumbles into a half-assed Ultimate Nullifier and erases half the planet from every having existed.
