Wednesday, December 07, 2022


I spent far too many holiday seasons in malls, exposed to toxic levels of Christmas music. Which...enh, some of it was fine, although I did think most artists that made a full Christmas album were kind of running a scam: they were usually covers, and could probably be knocked out pretty quickly. On the other hand, They Might Be Giants have done a few Christmas songs, like this little B-side I quite enjoy: Anyway, now Marc has two reasons for not loving this time of year. Maybe three: he was probably more accustomed to a summer-weight costume, I don't know if his traditional suit is super-warm. And Japanese puppet shows are Bunraku! I don't think I've ever seen a traditional showing, but the MST3K live show incorporated some elements of it.


  1. He probably has a bunch of different suits- blood's a pain to get out of white clothes so you've got to just give up and throw a set out once in a while. Also, the whole 'specialized for missions' thing seems up his alley.

    I'm actually a fan of Christmas music. Definitely prefer the most well-known versions of songs but I don't mind covers as long as they're not doing anything too out there with it. I didn't grow up with them so they're still just comforting to me.

    Is that the actual explanation for how Kurt sneaks around? His clothes would probably stay visible though, unless they're Pym particles or something like that. That would actually be pretty funny, Kurt doing the old 'floating clothes and going 'wooooo' like a ghost' bit.

  2. Mr. Morbid12:35 PM

    I definitely myself would love to skip this time of year, just go from October 31-Jan 1. More painless that way. I do like some Christmas music tho, but only the classics. Anything by Nat King Coke is guaranteed to make my eyes water, John Lennon’s “Merry Xmas”, Elton John’s “Step into Christmas “, “Wonderful Wintertime” by Paul McCartney, Billy Squire’s Christmas song, “Feliz Navidad” & “Last Christmas” by Wham are the only ones I care for.

    As for Kurt, I thought he can easily slip into the shadows because of his dark fur skin as well as his costume. Might also be a power of his as well.
