Wednesday, January 04, 2023


Quasar might not recognize her, with short hair and a more modern outfit, but Dr. Minerva has tried for his bands before, way back in Quasar #10! I'm not positive he's ever seen Sharon Carter in the comics, though. For some reason, I thought she was important enough to pre-order, like the two Moon Knight figures. Kinda wish she had come with a hooded head; like she wears on the packaging.  She showed up the tail end of November, but this got rescheduled.


  1. Mr. Morbid9:40 AM

    I remember the last attempt & that was with her supposed soulmate Atlas helping her & that didn’t pan out either. This should be interesting.
    This also gets me thinking, I know Marvel typically kills him off to put over a particular evil threat by jobbing him out, but then doesn’t that really reveal how weak those bands are then? Like I get what they’re trying to do, but logically those bands should keep him being killed so easily.

  2. That was an eerily accurate description from MK. Who knew? I don't know if Marc would even mind if she tried to take his hands or kidneys or whatever- he's sorta into pain, isn't he? He gets beat up a lot, at the very least.

    Quasar doesn't seem the dating type to me, for some reason. Where do you even set up a date like that, some sort of alien dating app? I'd love to see how that would work. Getting catfished would be wild.

  3. @H: It would be, not to mention getting space herpes as well.
