Friday, March 03, 2023

Well, this'll definitely fall under the "scanproof books" tag; but it's one I remember seeing the house ads for, and didn't think I'd ever happen across. From 1989, Demon Knight: A Grimjack Graphic Novel, written by John Ostrander, art by Flint Henry. Cover by Keith Parkinson. 

The extradimensional city Cynosure is having a bit of a temporal crisis, which doesn't really seem like a job for Grimjack, but in a pinch, man. His current incarnation, James Twilley, gets sent back to the Demon Wars, which might give him a second chance to save his lost love Rhian and her world Pdwyr from being betrayed to the demons. Or, is this just another opportunity for the universe to kick him in the teeth and going to end in him losing her again...? No spoilers, but c'mon, this was Grimjack

This was an 8.5" x 11" book, kinda the same format as the old Marvel Graphic Novels, and it feels like forever since I had read a book in that style! Glad to have it.


  1. I picked this up a few years ago during my "collect all GrimJack" stretch, and I really love it.

    One thing I remember thinking reading it, during a conversation between GrimJack and his old wizard mentor, is that the whole reason Gaunt's stuck in this reincarnation loop is really because he can't stop punishing himself for decisions he made that didn't work out. He never reaches acceptance so he ends up replaying the same beats over and over again.

  2. Never ever read Grimjack but that cover looks fucking amazing! Truly gorgeous.

  3. Who?

    That cover is very 90's but damned if it isn't pretty. Ostrander's a hard pass but Flint Henry's good, so not sure how I feel here. One thing's for sure- looks like a squarebound book, and I like that format.
