Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Deadpool probably should insist on payment up front, but he probably started getting mouthy with Tombstone and got distracted.


  1. Mr. Morbid11:44 AM

    Yeah for real! All those years as a merc & he makes a rookie mistake like this!?!? Well it is still 2023, so I guess he’s allowed one slip up.

    Why did Satana not kill/banish The Rose to hell anyways for blatantly scamming her? Hell, why not chuck them ALL straight to hell!?

  2. Game respects game, I suppose. He showed that even a soused-up magic-demon-whatever-the-hell-Satanna-is has weaknesses and can be very played. Besides, Hell’s hardly a deterrent anymore- you get banished, and you’re back in 6 months to a year.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Sadly you’re not wrong about that. This also applies to the concept of death in comics as well. Also applies to the frustratingly light sentences for kid diddlers

  3. I'd say she sends the Rose to hell just on principle. 6 months in hell is like an eternity, and I don't think the Rose is so messed up to just shrug that off. Jigsaw? Eh, maybe. Dude's dealt with pissed-off Frank Castle a lot, he's probably got a high tolerance for torture.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      She definitely should! Heck, he belongs in hell just for wearing that knockoff Baron Zemo mask with 80’s shades
