Wednesday, April 24, 2024


There's a couple points in Marvel continuity where alien races realize, earth had driven off Galactus, more than once; and was thus probably insanely dangerous. If they had the planet under any sort of surveilance, they would probably have seen X-Men #59, wherein Cyclops pulls the Star Trek logic trap on the Sentinels, convincing them the sun was the source of mutations, so they should fight it? Enh, to a lot of A.I. that probably makes sense. That, Ultron, and I think a lot of robot bad guys are beat by getting launched into space; so from the outside it probably looks like earth is littering the universe with those things. 

We got the Super-Adaptoid pretty cheap from a Disney sale, but I still feel like he needs a little extra something--definitely a cape, possibly with a big flared collar; or at least Yellowjacket style 'wings.' I kind of love the Super-Adaptoid, and hate Nimrod, even for a bad robot he's a bad robot. He's overtly racist, and no-sales too many attacks, or rebuilds/recovers way too fast. Cheap! That and I feel like S-A could conceivably improve itself, maybe in an evil way like in Avengers #290, but still trying; while Nimrod might pay lip service to that and not really care: it just wants to kill mutants. I really think Claremont was maybe building up to that and got sidetracked: Nimrod is a friend to all children!...until you develop mutant powers, then ggggak!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Morbid10:32 AM

    I’ve honestly never come to that same conclusion before about likening the name Nimrod to a porn name, but now I can’t unsee it, so thanks for that.

    You definitely have about about how space outside of Earth in comics is typically littered with robots or destroyed death-rays/death machines. Probably an allegory to all those satellites and space probes literally littering space outside our Earth. You’d think we’d have gotten a ticket or two for that by some galactic codes enforcement division by now.

    Speaking of Nimrod, I know Bastion was semi-humanized version of Mastermold after it went through the seige perilous. I do wonder, outside of the planned plot-point, why there isn’t an in-story explanation for why the seige perilous didn’t simply destroy Mastermold. I mean it’s a machine for one & two it’s an evil machine. Why was not judged as such?

    Kurt busting out the company card! Good for him. Of course now he’ll be expected to do that more often for both Sat & Wade once he finds out about this.
