Friday, May 03, 2024

I think we've mentioned the contraction of expansion characters and books before: sometimes, when a title like Thor has a spin-off, like Thunderstrike, or alternate versions like Beta Ray Bill; somebody in editorial might decide the spin-offs are pulling focus and/or sales from the main title, and opt to re-consolidate a bit. Over at DC, they do that every so often with Green Lantern, both as a title and a character. Seemingly like clockwork, they'll decide one character--probably Hal Jordan--should be GL, and there should be no GL's before them; usually by benching or writing out others. A little later, possibly after some fans chirp up, they remember oh yeah, that B-lister had fans too; maybe time for a spin-off? Anyway, I was thinking about that, since today's book feels like it would've been the last issue for a lot of characters, but somehow Guy pushes through? From 1994, Guy Gardner: Warrior #21, "Emerald Fallout, part four: Fist Forward, Face Down" Written by Beau Smith, pencils by Mitch Byrd, inks by Dan Davis. All splash pages, or two page spreads!
This issue was on sale the same week as Green Lantern #53, so Kyle Rayner had the ring for about 20 minutes; and I had to look for a moment if this was from Hal's first heel-turn as Parallax or later: this story probably happens somewhere in the middle of GL #49 or #50. Parallax has impaled Guy, has a construct of himself refusing to listen to Arisia, and slaps down Alan Scott as well. At least we see part of that fight here, as Parallax has already got Wonder Woman, the Martian Manhunter, and other Leaguers captured; muttering angrily to himself how they don't understand and should've listened to him. Still, because it's Guy's book, he recovers enough to get back in the fight. In case you don't recall, Guy is 1000% in the right here to beat Hal's ass, since Hal had just killed Kilowog! Among others.
Guy sees Hal as a tightass that finally snapped; while Hal views Guy as a drooling psycho. Guy talks a big game, about how he could turn Hal's power against him; that is immediately shut down when Hal effortlessly destroys Guy's yellow ring. Hal smacks the yellow armor off of him as well, leaving Guy unconscious in his underwear, being flown off by green power. Is this the end of Guy Gardner...surprisingly, no! He would have to spend the next couple issues searching for something to replace the power rings he had used before, and would get new powers in time for Zero Hour! Which predates another costume switch "Warrior" always reminds me of: the Eidolon replacement War Machine armor.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Morbid12:42 PM

    Retconning Guy into having alien bloodlines just so he could compensate for the lack of a power ring was about as 90’s as it got. He definitely had someone looking after him to not have been killed as well back then.
