Wednesday, June 26, 2024


I did watch Looper the other day, and that still holds up; but the loopers comment might be swiped from the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 version of "The Time Travelers."

I also dug around, and while I have other Cable's, this was the only other Bishop I had: the old, Toy Biz one! I really thought I had another, but I maybe didn't get the  last one from the Deadpool BAF Sauron wave.


  1. Mr. Morbid10:26 AM

    Hey the older Toy Biz Bishop still holds up in my book. Of course the updated Hasbro version works just as well, but still….

    I got a nice chuckle out of the fact that even a war-hardened badass soldier like Cable fears the power of Taylor Swift fans. Trust me, that fear is very much justified 😳

    Like you, I too was amused at Forge sending constantly sending Bishop back in time to fix a specific situation only for things to be even worse than they were before once he got back. True comedy at work.

    Definitely looking forward to seeing how this wraps up.
    Also Kurt’s kinda gotta marry Sat now right?

  2. I feel like if we get any more Cables in that room, Deadpool's just going to spontaneously appear.

    Or maybe Kang, with all the time-travelers. Kinda weird Cable never seems to run into Kang or Immortus or Rama-Tut. I guess their specific interests in time travel are too different.
