Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Hmm, considering I'm behind schedule, this one still turned out longer than expected. So, small victories. At least part of this was done before last Saturday's events, though.

I'm pretty sure it's from a Silvestri-drawn issue of Uncanny X-Men, where Dazzler absorbs the sound so much it's like she's taking the words from people's mouths. Turning sound into light, is basically alchemy; like one of the craziest mutant powers if you think about it. 

So, of course Kurt would take a more "humanist" view of the situation, and be more concerned with Alison and Longshot themselves, rather than what may or may not happen in the future. Which, to Bishop and Cable, would be like burying your head in the sand and pretending not to hear the warnings. They think more tactically, and aren't necessarily wrong here.

How many more episodes will Longshot be passed out...?    


  1. Mr. Morbid9:45 AM

    I can’t believe you made this one before Saturday. Wow. Truly living up to the name of this blog my dude.
    I’m glad you gave both dissenting points to view equal time to make their pitch about whose take is more right than the other. This time it definitely feels like both arguments should be used together to help shape the future while living in the present rather than just one side being the end all be all…much like how ideally science & religion we’re probably always intended to be used in unison & compliment each other, rather than be forced to be at odds against each other.

    Definitely looking forward to seeing how this all ends.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Personally, I was hoping Kurt was going paste Cable right in the kisser when he started calling him "naive". Cable's whole, "I know best 'cause I'm from the FUTURE", thing is always tiresome. I think it's why I usually only like him when he's around Deadpool, because 'Pool will mock him and call him on that stuff.

    Bishop always seemed more ragged, or less prepared, so maybe that's why he didn't bug me as much. Dude seemed to just be scrambling to accomplish something, anything.

    But would Bishop or Cable even recognize a "good" future if they saw it? The original corporation-dominated 2099 would probably qualify as an improvement for either of them.

    1. Mr. Morbid4:08 AM

      2099? I’m pretty we’re already living in that world now 🤷‍♂️

  4. Also, I think issue of Uncanny X-Men Googum's talking about is #222, when they're protecting Maddy Pryor from the Marauders in San Francisco.

    Sound into light is cool, although it seems like a bad power for a performing musician. I guess she's got enough control to not absorb her own singing or accompanying music. Or she uses her power like autotune and evens out any flat notes.

    1. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Honestly, if you really think about the further implications of that particular part of her abilities, which is scary enough on its own, then consider she hasn’t even fully-realized the full potential spectrum of her powers, she should be an Alpha-level mutant.

  5. She’s going to kick Longshot’s ass, isn’t she? Ok, I’m back on board.

    But yeah, this is why you keep getting killed, Kurt- you’re too touchy-feely and emotional. You’re fun to be around but that also means you attract noble sacrifice situations and make for a good eulogy.

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      *Cue the “Why would you say something so controversial but so brave?” Meme*
