Wednesday, September 04, 2024


Skye is a Fortnite character--another figure from a game I don't play, drink! She has a backpack that holds her RPG-looking sword, and her look is just a bit much for a typical, maybe it isn't, I don't know. Still, between her look and her name, she seemed like she could've been a Doctor Who companion, so she's perfect for Death's Head. But, she's not going to be one of those companions with a whole arc or purpose in the mythology or anything: here Skye is a more classic companion, who wants to see weird things and have adventures. 

Also, I thought I misspelled it, but Death's Head's old partner/assistant/hanger-on was Spratt, not Sprat. And he was killed in the mini-series, in Death's Head II #3, which was also Tuck's first appearance? I think I get confused, because of the later reprint book, the Incomplete Death's Head, which had Tuck in the framing sequences. Anyway, I probably have that issue handy, and need to take a look; but I'm not sure DH II is really bent out of shape over Spratt's demise, if he even knows.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Morbid11:18 AM

    Skye definitely seems like she’d make a nice, companion yes? With her millennial (?) Gen-Z sensibilities, she’d provide plenty of comic relief.
