Thursday, January 16, 2025
Feels weird to have the annual as the middle chapter of a storyline--it should usually be the beginning or end, right? From 2017, Supergirl Annual #1, "The Girl of No Tomorrow, part 2" Written by Steve Orlando, art by Steve Pugh.
I'm going to look it up in a second, but was there a Legion of Super-Heroes book on the racks the same time as this issue? I'm guessing no, but DC (or the writer!) maybe thought the Fatal Five was too good a name to just leave sit in the 30th/31st century. (Checking Mike's, there was a Legion omnibus collection, but not a current title!) As usual, the Emerald Empress leads the Five, this time intent on destroying Supergirl since in the future, she would be involved in her father's death. The Empress is usually really sociopathic, though: it's entirely possible she's mad because she wanted to murder her dad herself. Her "Fatal, gullible Five" here includes a kaiju-sized Solomon Grundy, Brainiac-girl Indigo, soreress Selena, and from Kingdom Come, Magog! All of whom had their own grudges against Supergirl, real or imagined, encouraged by the Empress, who also turns National City against her, by leaking footage of Supergirl and her captured father, the Cyborg Superman! Or "a" Cyborg Superman; not sure about the continuity there.
Actually, this took a lot from the then-current TV show, like Cat Grant, unstoppable publisher: after a year of Jeff Bezos, Cat seems like the most fantastic aspect of this whole issue. But, this storyline would wrap in Supergirl #13; still feels like it should've ended in the annual!
Absolutely that should be the case. Legit curious who ultimately made the call to have it happen this way. I had to check when this all occurred, and it was during the Rebirth reboot era, yet it feels more like something you’d expect from the Phew 52 days. Weird.
ReplyDeleteThe Fatal 5 is definitely too good a name not to use more often, but that’s just how it goes sometimes.
I also don’t get positioning Cat Grant as some publishing mogul doubling as Kara’s own Lex Luthor. Sure they’re just following the tv show version, but that only worked there bc it was an idea that seemed to fit strictly there & not within the confines of years of previous established character continuity in the comics.
It doesn't line up perfectly, but Cat is to Supergirl, like what if Lex was on Superman's side, but still kinda evil? Not above having somebody's knees broke, or disappearing somebody...
ReplyDeleteWhich still doesn’t line up 100% with personality? I mean does to a small degree, but then I’m still thinking of her as the single mom who’s son was killed by the Toyman until it was retconned to be a robot version of the Toyman.