Tuesday, January 21, 2025

I'd kinda like to see this in the current X-Book!

It's a triple gatefold cover, but the front one makes it look like Rogue has fainted at DH II's manliness, while Gambit acts like he knows he's sleeping on the couch tonight. From 1992, Death's Head II #1, "The Lotus FX, part 1: X-Treme Prejudice" Written by Dan Abnett, pencils by Liam Sharp and Bryan Hitch, inks by Andy Lanning and Cam Smith.
This was Death's Head II's first regular series, and shows remarkable restraint by not putting Wolverine front and center on the cover. DH II and his sidekick Tuck were hanging out in Paxton, OR; which seemed like it would be a nice quiet place for Tuck to study the Sapphire Lotus, a mysterious power object. Instead, more and more weirdos keep showing up in town, apparently drawn by the Lotus; and some might have appeared innocent or incompetent but maybe weren't. The X-Men get involved, since whatever was happening also set off Cerebro; and decide Death's Head II is the "main aggressor" at first sight. It's a fair cop!

Psylocke, Beast, and Jubilee can't get into the back bar room where Tuck is doing something weird with the Lotus, but the Lotus lets Wraithchilde through: he had seemed like a Spawn-cosplayer, but maybe there was more to him. Rogue tries to use her powers on DH II, but he had like a hundred-and-four other personalities in there, which was too many voices for her head. Wolverine and Cyclops step up the fight...to be continued!  

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Morbid10:41 AM

    Well now you CAN’T convince me otherwise that Wraithchilde isn’t a huge dig at Spawn & Todd McFarlane …and I’m ok with that because who wasn’t lampooning Image back then?

    And oh look; DH2 gave Rogue super-autism. Nasty business man. Nasty business.
