Friday, January 31, 2025

It's been months since I blogged a random issue of Marvel Comics Presents, and I feel like we've seen some of the other serials in this one; but at least one story got my attention--achtung, you might say! From 1994, Marvel Comics Presents #156, cover by Colin MacNeil.
We checked out MCP #158 some time back; which had later chapters from this one: here, we've got the first part of a Vengeance serial (as he gets his powers stolen by Phantome) and a Shang-Chi one with so many caption boxes; as well as the second part of a Namorita/Kymaera New Warriors story. (It gets labelled a New Warriors story on the cover, since Kymaera probably didn't have the name recognition at that point.) (Vengeance page from "Altered Spirits, part 1" Written by Chris Cooper, breakdowns by Reggie Jones, inks by Fred Harper.)
But, the standalone fourth story is the good one, featuring the Destroyer! Or, in German, der Zerstörer; as most of this one is auf Deutsch. And, it's from Dan Slott and James Fry, who also did the Destroyer in Midnight Sons Unlimited #9, this time with Mark Badger inks. There's some English from a bomber crew with impeccable taste, with "Union Jacquie" Spitfire on the nose of their plane!
Not a character that shows up a ton, but it feels like he has some creators as fans. Good for him! Also, I'm pretty sure I've picked up the next issue; which means we'll probably look at the Nick Fury story from it in 2027...

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Morbid10:59 AM

    That is a pretty damn cool cover for sure!

    It’s truly a shame that Marvel doesn’t really do much of anything with the abundance of Golden Age characters they have at their disposal. I’m still hoping a follow up series with the Twelve happens at some point in my lifetime.
