Thursday, January 23, 2025

Same, Jen, same.

Although, in continuity, Doc Samson might still think Jen's crazy for talking back to the reader, from way back in Incredible Hulk #442; but she could find a better headshrinker if she wanted! I figure she probably did, in her grimmer grey Hulk series, but today's book is way more colorful and cheery, even if it's still not smooth sailing. From 2022, She-Hulk #3 (LEG #166), written by Rainbow Rowell, art by Rogê Antônio. Cover by Jen Bartel.
I mention the cover, because Jack of Hearts hadn't looked that good in years, and we still didn't get a Marvel Legends of him? Missed a window there. Anyway, Jack looks better, because he wasn't currently dead or zombified or leaking radiation or anything. Although they had some bad experiences when they were on the Avengers together, Jen's put that in the rear-view mirror; and Jack was staying with her for a bit while he tried to figure out what to do with his life. Meanwhile, Jen tries to get back into the law game, which does involve the return of supporting character fave Awesome Andy (rebooted by his boss-slash-girlfriend Mallory Book) but she was hard-pressed for clients, since she was not supposed to be taking superhuman clients. Of course, that goes awry almost immediately, as Ben Grimm calls up trying to beat a leash-law summons--seriously, who would want Lockjaw leashed up? Who hates everything that much? Regardless, by issue #6, Jen would have some quality clients!
Later, Jen calls Hellcat, trying to get some background on Jack of Hearts; and Patsy helpfully volunteers to get Jack's Avengers file, from her then-boyfriend Tony Stark. And Jack discovers, not only can he eat and drink again, he can wear people-clothes and take off his power-containing armor! Jen gives him an oversized tee with a heart on it.

I had to look if it was still running, but this series would wrap at #15, then 10 more issues as Sensational She-Hulk. She and Jack would be a couple for most of it, but I would be surprised if he wasn't sent back into space at the end there, best case.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Morbid6:30 AM

    Jen & Jack huh? Definitely not a romantic pairing I’d ever thought of, but I guess it worked out at least for a short while. I wonder how he got rebooted/fixed in the first place.

    Speaking of odd choices, what the hell (no pun intended) was Patsy thinking getting with Tony? She DEFINITELY can’t help herself when it comes to making bad decisions when it comes to relationships. ESPECIALLY given his reputation.

    As for whole Lockjaw leash thing, there’s no way you’re gonna tell me you don’t believe some Karen was complaining about that? That’s a universal constant in ANY reality.
