Wednesday, January 27, 2016


If I ever have the funds available for investing, I wonder if putting said cash into horror films might not be the way to go. They're usually lower-budget than other genres of film, not necessarily just in the pejorative sense, but less expensive to make; yet usually generate a return, since like Satana a lot of horror fans are up for whatever. And every so often one breaks unexpectedly big, like a Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity.

Anyway, this miWorld AMC set was on sale the other day at Target, and I couldn't resist. In the meantime, waiting for some other stuff to go to clearance, but I kind of hate this time of year: the new Marvel Legends haven't shown up locally yet, and the NY Toy Fair is still a couple weeks out. Well, as usual, we'll amuse ourselves somehow...

By the way, that's Agent Coulson working the register, and I think that's a Jennifer Garner Alias figure getting snacks: they were the handiest "civilian" figures at the time. That Alias fig did not want to stand, though.


  1. So... Coulson is deep under-cover?

  2. I had to look it up: $15.44 for the miWorld set, but I'm not sure what the original price was. I know there was a Dairy Queen set that was kind of tempting...

  3. That's honestly not a bad deal man, not a bad deal at all. I'll be sure to be on the look out. I saw that Dairy Queen set as well not too long ago, and it'd be a very worthwhile investment if you're planning on using it a lot.

  4. I'm late to comment, but I really loved this strip!
