Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day! Unless you're not a dad, I guess...

from Excalibur #46, Alan Davis, originally uploaded by googum.

Considering I spent a good deal of Father's Day working on the toilet, it turned out pretty well. (Hence today's panels, and besides, Alan Davis had an incredible second run on Excalibur. Although, I think the bathroom was wrecked more than once in those issues.) Honestly, I don't even mind that, as it seems like a pretty dad thing to do.

I woke up for a moment this morning to give the baby a sippy-cup, then my wife let me sleep in. I dreamed I was at Wal-Mart, looking for a couple of the Marvel Legends Giant-Man series I needed. And there was a Rom Marvel Legend. He looked great, but was more of a white than a silver; with 37 points of articulation, and his neutralizer. And a Nightcrawler with his Excalibur uniform, and I grabbed two of those. He came with his sword, and an issue of Uncanny Origins. (Good Marc Campos art in that one, I believe.)

For some reason, the comic with Rom was an old issue of Penthouse.

I woke up, saddened by my loss of imaginary figures. Attention Toy Biz, Hasbro, Parker Brothers, some guy in a garage: I would totally buy those.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog!

    Anyone who devotes a couple of posts to Bronze Age Superman and Supergirl must be added to my list of links - pronto!
