Unlike most people, I watched Marvel's Inhumans, or at least most of it. Did I miss an episode? Ah, whatever. As you might've heard, it wasn't great. Someone on Twitter--and I wish I knew who, to credit it!--said to the effect of, the problem with the Inhumans, would be like if the most compelling and interesting character in the Batman mythos, was Ace the Bat-Hound. That hits the nail on the head: everyone loves Lockjaw, even if they could give a rat's ass about the other Inhumans.
Spoilers: The show's design and production doesn't turn into the Kirby grandeur and spectacle, in the least little way. Attilan looks like it's made out of concrete blocks. The characters aren't masked, probably because I know actors don't want to spend all their screen time behind one, but they seem plain without them. Medusa's hair is shaved off by Maximus, less for any cogent motivation than to save on the special effects budget. Lockjaw and Triton are sidelined a lot, probably for the same reason; although I was glad to see Triton return in the second to last episode! And get to kick a bit of ass to boot, although it's revealed he had been playing dead as part of Black Bolt's preemptive master plan against Maximus's coup, which would be kind of cool if several people hadn't died as a result of it, and Maximus's big plan was a bit crap anyway. (His main goal is to go through Terrigenesis again, since he didn't receive any powers his first time; but it seems like he could've probably done so earlier, and easier, if he had wanted.) Maximus's casting, Iwan Rheon from Game of Thrones, is a smart cheat: you already know and hate him.
Anyway, the final episode is tonight; and I'd be surprised if it was renewed for another year. Although, if it was, there is room for improvement. I did get the Walgreen's exclusive Marvel Legends Medusa (which you'll probably have to find in a store) and I had the old 2009 Black Bolt. I know there's a new one coming, and both were in the Thanos Imperative box set from 2014. But there hasn't been a Lockjaw in the Marvel Legends scale, unless...

...you hedge a little! Funko made a plush one. Might not be for everyone, or he might be a fuzzy, huggable placeholder until Lockjaw finally gets a Marvel Legend. Sooner or later...
It's true! I don't give a rails ads about the Inhumans, but Lockjaw is adorable.
That is a cute Lockjaw plushie.
I'll have to look out for that medusa figure then, I like her over the 2009 version, but the '09 Black Bolt might be slightly better than the new one coming out? Not sure.
Dagnabit, I hate auto correct.
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