Monday, September 03, 2018
Karma might get you for stealing Etta's salad, Wally.
This copy is mildly well below mint, but still a nice Brian Bolland cover: from 1993, Wonder Woman #78, "The Fast Contract" Written by William Messner-Loebs, pencils by Lee Moder, inks by Ande Parks and Aaron McClellan.
Even though she was currently broke and living in a tiny attic apartment (with a landlady who may have been a silent movie actress) Wonder Woman is still pretty upbeat. Out to help her friend Etta Candy pick out her wedding dress--she was marrying Steve Trevor, although I'm pretty sure that either didn't go through or was walked back later--Diana notices her friend had lost some weight. Etta doesn't feel like she'd lost enough, though, even when she gets a little dizzy and collapses, having not eaten since yesterday's breakfast! Over a salad, Etta says she'd "just once in my life, I'd like to look like you!" In the kindest possible manner, Diana explains that might not be happening; when for good measure the Flash shows up and helps himself!
Flash explains he's there as Diana's bodyguard, since there was a contract out on her. The hired gun was Mayfly, and while this was her first appearance she tied into fairly recent Flash continuity, from when Messner-Loebs wrote his book! He still wrote Wally like a bit of a cad, though. Back to Mayfly: she had been a Velocity-9 super-speed junkie, given powers by the gene-bomb from Invasion! Teflon bullets and super-speed made her a prolific hitter, but Flash explains it was dangerous for her as well: she was a hemophiliac, and a scratch could kill her. The cops wanted her alive to testify against mob bosses, and maybe find out who wanted Diana dead; so Flash goes to stop her...and gets shot in both legs, multiple times! Diana tries to use some strategy, activating the sprinklers, but Mayfly already has the drop on her and Etta...!
I don't know if Wally redeems his poor showing next month; it could take me a while to find the next one.
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